Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Read THIS blog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.

I am going to have to disagree that academics are not the reason we come to school otherwise we wouldn't have letter grades and GPA, ACT, and SAT because that is what gets you into college remembering locker combinations isn't going to get you into college.  getting into college is basically your whole rest of your life if you don't get into college you most likely wont get a good job. The person writing this thinks the "main event" of school is to over come challenges which i mean you learn this but it is not the purpose. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Elaborate on why you agree of disagree.

If images are on the internet they should be "free game".

Yes, I agree with this statement because if it is on the internet everybody can see it anyway so i don't know why everybody cant just use it.  the only down fault is that somebody can steel it and make money from it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Reflect on your resume website.

I would have done a couple things differently than I did like maybe write a little more on each section and maybe made my borders smaller so there's not as much open space.  I also would have liked to use my time more wiser so I wouldn't be so rushed at the end. I wish I would have known to judge the website from chrome and not dream weaver because they look different. Compared to others I think my website was pretty good, it was a lot more organized and more planned out than other people in my class. I turned out to really like my website and thought it ended really well .

Monday, March 30, 2015


What's the coolest thing you've learned in Web Design so far? Why is it so cool and how can it help you in the future?

The coolest thing I have learned in web design is to basically create websites.  I think its just cool to tell people you created a website.  it can help me with a future job

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Define 'User Experience'. What does it mean and how does it relate to web design? Explain yourself.

User Experience is the overall experience of a person using a product such as a website or computer application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use. This relates to web design because we are learning to create websites. just like the definition says how easy and pleasing it is to use, creating websites is becoming a lot easier and more pleasing now that i know more on how to do it and i'm not just stumped on the websites like i was on our first couple.

Monday, March 23, 2015


What is a resume website? What do people put on resume websites. Spend about 5-10 minutes looking up resume websites and what they are used for. Explain what you find. Include an image of a resume website if possible.

A resume website can be a huge advantage to get into college.  It shows stuff about you like your education, volunteering you've done, work experience. this is a picture of someones resume website.  he talks about himself.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Who do you look up to in your life? Why do you look up to them? Tell me about them and some of their characteristics that you admire.

i look up to Micheal Jordan.  i look up to him because he is very successful and a really good athlete. he played baketball and baseball best player ever to play basketball.  I like that he is so athlettic and tall, he is also a very good person.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Tell me about your weekend. Give me a story, something funny that happened, an experiencing you had, the way you felt, etc. Include photos!

This weekend I didn't do much, i just hung out with some friends on Friday and Saturday and went to buffalo wild wings.   It was a simple but fun weekend!

Friday, February 20, 2015


The perfect classes for the life i want to live would be titled Basketball, baseball, and football.  you would study plays and professional players.  you would spend your class time playing sports they would be more fun than what i have now.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Copy and past these over to your blog and tell me a little about yourself. If you have a picture or two that might represent one of your answers make sure to include it.

My favorite food: Pizza
Foods I'd like to avoid: most vegetables
My favorite things to learn: knowledge
My favorite color: blue
My best friends are: my basketball teammates 
My favorite games to play: sporty games
My favorite books: unknown
My favorite movies or TV shows: Lost
My favorite holiday: Christmas
Things I do well: sports
Things I need to practice more: being organized
My favorite place to go: Hawaii
My favorite family activities: going on vacation
My favorite thing to do outside: basketball
My favorite chore: none
My least favorite chore: dishes
What I want to be when I grow up: don't know yet
A place I want to visit: Bermuda
My favorite part of the year: basketball season 
My favorite part of each day: coming home from school

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


What is a website wireframe? Explain. If you don't know what it is, look it up. Find an image online to place on your blog that represents a website wireframe and how they work.

a website wireframe is a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website.  they are like blueprints.  you can make the layout for the website and put everything where you want it to go.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Finish this sentence "10 years from now I will be...."

10 years from now I will be rich and successful and have already started a family.

Friday, January 23, 2015


I think kids these days spend to much time in front of screens.  They are always using a smartphone, iPad, video games, sitting in front of a TV, etc.  back in my time we would go outside and just run around but apparently kids now a days cant do that.  Instead if texting we would actually go over and talk to the person.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


What do you find the most confusing and frustrating part of web design and HTML code so far? What would make it easier? What don't you understand? What do you understand? Explain yourself

I think the most confusing part about web design is remembering all of the tags because there  is so many to remember.  i understand it pretty well. but I think that if we had a sheet with all the tags to help us remember the codes that would make life a lot easier.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Tell me all about your 3 day weekend! Share photos

Over the long weekend  did quite a bit! I started off by going to the BV game on Friday and after that I hung out with some friends.  On Saturday I had basketball practice but thats about it.  then on sunday i had baseball practice, went to see my friends basketball game, i had my first indoor rec soccer game that we won 17-12, and finally i went to see the new movie American Sniper which was AMAZING, one of the best movies I have seen! then monday i didnt do much.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


A- all people are equal
B- be nice 
C- cheaters never win
D- Don't hate
E- enjoy the little things
F- fix your problems
G- get good grades
H- have a nice day
I- ignore bullies
J- just do it
K- Kill no one
L- love life
M- make bank
N-never give up
O-overlook bad
P-put your money where your mouth is
Q- quitters aren't successful 
R- read between the lines
S- slide into her DMs
T- tell your mom you love her
U- umbrellas keep you dry
V- violins are soothing instruments 
W-win the day
X-X-rays can help
Y- your are awesome
Z-zebras don't make good pets

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


What are your thoughts on this class so far? Easy? Hard? Informative? Frustrating? What have you learned so far? What do you want to learn? Explain yourself.

I think this class is pretty easy so far but I think it will start to harden.  but when it starts to get harder (if it does) i think it will be more fun and a good challenge.  I think this class is pretty informative but a bit frustrating because of all the coding.  in this class I have learned to code in code academy i am also learning how to set up a blog because i have never had a blog.   I am excited to see what this class has in store for us.  

Monday, January 12, 2015


Tell me about your weekend. What did you do? Upload a photo to your Google Drive and then insert the photo (or photos!) to your blog post to show me what all you did.

This weekend i went to tomahawk gym to play basketball with my friends i also had baseball at an indoor complex which was really cool other than that i didn't do much!

Friday, January 9, 2015


Playing sports: A
Eating food: A
Using social media: A
Watching TV: A
Playing on my phone: A


Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

I would have to disagree with this article because I think kids/ teenagers should enjoy their childhoods and have fun.   I think its fair if us kids do some chores around the house but I believe that you should have more time for fun, hanging out with friends, doing stuff you enjoy.   I personally would hate a life like this I Couldn't handle all the chores and studying stated in this article.  I think this would be an unfair life for teenagers.